Getting Started The Perils of Trading 'Gurus' and Signal Services If Everyone Knew so Much, Why Share?Over the last 10 years I have had my fair share of ups and downs in the markets. I've read hundreds of books Josh Deats 19 Jan 2020 · 9 min read
Trading Psychology The Ego - The Larger The Ego, the Lower the Profit The Ego - Your Worst EnemyWriting about the ego is tricky. Most notably because there is a real dichotomy between the advice I give, and how I act in actuality Josh Deats 17 Jan 2020 · 8 min read
Trading Resources Mark Minervini's Master Trader Program: An Honest Review Take it From a SkepticBefore I start this review of Mark Minvervini's Trading Course (Master Trader Program) I need to be perfectly clear: I struggle to spend money... education is Josh Deats 17 Oct 2019 · 9 min read
Trading Psychology True Trading Knowledge is Experiential The Illusion of Knowledge "An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory" - Ralph Waldo Emerson Unlike most endeavors we take on, trading is a little different. In Josh Deats 9 Jun 2019 · 11 min read
Trading Psychology Stress and Trading Trading is a Psychological Battle "Stress narrow's your focus and makes you revert to earlier response patterns. You do what you did when you were a beginner. You do what Josh Deats 12 May 2019 · 9 min read
Trading Psychology Accountability is Everything Perception is RealityTo be accountable is the only true path to freedom, both financially and personally. I need to warn you up-front that this article may 'trigger' some people. It Josh Deats 9 May 2019 · 11 min read
Trading Psychology The Reality Of Trading Learning to Think Outside of HeuristicsThis article may not appeal to most. The reason being, it calls out a few objective truths that will make you uncomfortable. It calls into Josh Deats 13 Mar 2019 · 9 min read
Trading Performance Eliminate These 5 Mistakes to Trade Like a Professional Changing Mistakes Creates Long Term SuccessIn trading, as in life, reflecting on how we act, react or approach a new situation can be the difference between victory and defeat. Looking Josh Deats 28 Feb 2019 · 10 min read
Independent Trading There is No "Holy Grail" in Trading One Strategy to Rule Them AllIn the early days of my trading career I recall brazenly telling all my work colleagues and friends about just how hard I was working Josh Deats 16 Feb 2019 · 8 min read
Getting Started Invest in an Index or Trade? What do want long term?Getting started in any endeavor can be daunting and trading or investing is no different. You are probably wondering to invest or trade? There are Josh Deats 29 Dec 2018 · 8 min read
Trading Psychology How Much do I need to Trade for a Living Trading for a Living: How Much do I NeedThe attraction of trading is obvious to most. The good life. Loads of money for doing practically nothing but sitting behind a Josh Deats 10 Dec 2018 · 6 min read